Friday, January 29, 2010

It begins...

The purpose of this blog is for me to begin a journey and writing about it. The journey is not on foot or measured by miles or feet, but it is measured by influence. I may or may not influence you. That I totally understand. However, you and I might learn a thing or two.

So...right now I am taking a class for my graduate degree. The class is entitled "Partnerships and Volunteerism" and it is about, well, partnerships and volunteerism! I will be diving deeper into this said topic as the semester carries on and I hope to keep this page updated more frequently than required. This topic is important to me because I deal with it everyday with my job as a 4-H Extension Agent. Without volunteers, my job would be pretty tough and the 4-H impact in my county would be very bleak. With that being said, amidst regular blog entries, I hope to update this page using my "real life" experiences and incorporating the knowledge learned from the course that I am taking.

Now, I would ask you as a reader to comment back on things you agree with...don't agree with or, well, practically don't care about. We'll go from there. Until then, put on some work out clothes.

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