Monday, February 22, 2010

Models of Volunteers

WHAT: As a 4-H extension agent, my main role is to serve as a volunteer manager. Having a strong volunteer base is important to the mission of 4-H and having a strong volunteer base helps ALL those involved. There are many different types of volunteer management models (such as the ISOTURE or the L-O-O-P) which not only sets up the organization for success, but also develops the volunteers involved teaching them life skills such as leadership and responsibility.

SO WHAT: In Amelia County, VA it is my job to Recruit, Train, Retain, and Recognize volunteers in order to have a successful 4-H program. Currently there are tough financial times hitting us at all angles within the state which trickles down into county programs. There isn't enough money to fund everything. However, if your volunteer management is effective you will see positive responses in program quality, educational output, increased numbers, etc. The value of your volunteers

NOW WHAT: When there are organizational leaders who do not take the time to provide a valued training and development for their volunteers, the impact will fall short of a success. In regards to the L-O-O-P model, the description fits: the program should be running like a well oiled machine and each part impacts one another. I plan to continue to provide orientation and training and recognizing my volunteers which hopefully continue to retain them hopefully creating an umbrella management. All in all, the resources are abundant...but it begins with the volunteer manager. This
will in turn positively impact your program. Last year 40 volunteers in Amelia County had a value of over $81,000 and in 2008 Virginia volunteers had $4.5 billion of service in a time when funding was scarce no less.

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