Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Partnerships Can Do GREAT Things!

WHAT: Last year Amelia 4-H partnered up with Amelia's Department of Environmental Services to do a "Spring Clean" Event. The partnership was ideal because both of us wanted to do activities for the county but needed the other in order for it to be successful. We basically originated a shared vision of what we wanted to create. We invited other community partners to join us, who also shared our vision (and provided financial support): Waste Management and McDonald's. From this partnership we started an annual Spring Green/Clean Event for all of Amelia.

SO WHAT: From several planning meetings we were able to market throughout the county. By doing this we were also able to introduce (or reintroduce) our organizations to the citizens of Amelia and develop other partnerships for other activities which our organizations were doing. This program was a success because it not only impacted Amelia and made it cleaner and beautiful, but it also educated the youth in environmental stewardship. Some impacts from the event: 80 community volunteers picked up 175 bags (eight tons) of litter. Over 2,000 tires were recycled (32 tons), along with 40 automotive and lawnmower batteries and 2.75 tons of electronic equipment. Over 300 flowers were planted at Amelia Elementary, and twelve flowering trees and shrubs were planted at a trash collection site. More than 200 students participated in the poetry, essay and artwork contests. Overall, 32 local businesses and eight governmental agencies provided $7500 in financial support to this program.

NOW WHAT: This year the event will be bigger than the last and a few more organizations are interested in lending a hand such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The partnerships that have been garnered through this event, which started as a small partnership, has blossomed into a successful county-wide event.

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