Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What motivates you?

I was asked why I chose to be a 4-H Extension Agent from a volunteer the other week at our recognition ceremony. I told him that I was a 4-Her at 8 years old and that I participated in everything as a youth and became a teen leader, then an adult volunteer, then as a 4-H staff member at Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center and then became an agent. Why? Because seeing a kid learn something new and smile about it motivated me each and everyday; the "Learn By Doing" (experiential learning) is what I believe in.

A vision to believe in and work towards is important resource for the motivation of volunteers. When volunteers know what the goal is and what their skills and expertise are being used for they will be more inclined to come back to volunteer in the future or perhaps become a permanent volunteer for your organization. This is a huge motivation factor. Take for instance the donkey with a stick attached to him which hovers over his head. Attached to the end of that stick is a carrot. The donkey, therefore, moves forward motivated that because he is doing so, he will eat the carrot and while he is moving forward so is whatever gear attached to him. Of course we aren't donkeys, but the rationale works for volunteers. Put a vision in front of them that will address the things that they want to see happen (such as a community cleanup, building, etc...) and they are more than likely to be motivated to lend a hand to pitch in.

As a 4-H Extension Agent, I am motivated by the 4-H philosophy and mission. I share this with my volunteers and for them to incorporate their own personal vision with this which ultimately "Make(s) the Best Better". Having a relationship with your volunteers to find out what they like, what they want to see happen, and why they want to volunteer is important. Understanding why they volunteer and what motivates them can prove to be an important tool, not only for the event planned, but for the organization. This feedback can impact retention, recruitment, tasks at events, recognition. Motivation of volunteers is one of the most important things to do, but also one of the easiest...just sit down and talk with them and show them the carrot.

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